Cigars have long been considered a symbol of royalty and bravado, and there is no doubt about the fact that this is likely to continue. This blog will look to review one of the most widely anticipated cigars in the market today; the Joya De Nicaragua and Drew estate joint production called “My Uzi weights a Ton”. Both of the cigar’s parent companies are top dogs in the cigar making business and boy what a product that have developed for all those genuine cigar enthusiasts.
On First Glance
On first glance, the widely acclaimed cigar seems nothing more than a big cylinder of chocolate waiting to be munched. The San Andrea Maduro wrapper on the cigar, both dark colored and toothy does justice to the appearance of the cigar and its chocolate like appeal. Once you get up and close with this beauty, you’ll be treated to whirlwind of aromas and smell. The scents of this beauty range from smells of slight coca, earth, hay to a distinct and sweet nuttiness.
On first Tasting
Once you have been tempted enough by its aroma and the desirable chocolate appearance, you’ll be forced to cut and have a toast of this bad boy and that is where the real experience begins. On first lighting, a stream of instant spice will reach your mouth, gently caressing your tongue on the way. Then you’ll be treated with chunk of warm smoke with a sense of earthiness growing increasingly in every puff.
Impressive Flavors
My Uzi Weighs a Ton is one of the strongest cigar flavors you’ll ever breathe. As you progress with your toasting of its flavor, it will start to come to the fore even more. The flavors have a hint of chocolate continuing with dense tobacco feel. The flavoring is hard to pin point to one particular ingredient and the flavors keep changing in through the course of the toasting. There are hints of cedar, flavors of oak and woodiness in short strong waves.
The taste of the cigar is meant to give you enough to tease your palate, wanting you to have more and more each time. There are even sling hints of pepper beautifully packed into the distinct sense of woodiness. There are even hints of some fruit flavors. The cigar is a slow burner, and it keeps your mouth packed with spice but not too strong. That is complimented by a chocolate sweetness that almost teases the lips with its qualities.
This cigar is sure to be a cult classic such is its finesse and strength of flavors all round.